Why the name?

Clever Beast is a name used in folk lore for a raccoon, an animal native to North America. Raccoons are known for their resourcefulness and adaptability, using what others consider ‘trash’ as tools. In CB we strive to use plants that many see as not valuable, or off casts, to highlight their attributes.

We are in no way saying we are clever creatures and if anyone ever writes a review that says “not so clever after all” we beat you to the punch.

Then why is there a cat in the logo?

We are cat people. And it makes less sense to be holding a raccoon. There’s also some great history about ‘distillery cats’.

The logo itself is partially based on the reverse side of the state seal of Virginia, depicting three Roman goddesses. One of the goddesses is Ceres (holding a cornucopia and wheat). The phrase at the top, “Perserverando” (By Preserving) and the original considered phrase which is not shown, “DEUS NOBIS HÆC OTIA FECIT” (a god has granted us these idleness -Virgil, Eglogues, I, 6) ring true for what we hope to share in through Clever Beast Botanicals. It is an encouragement for quiet, pause, and reflection within and through nature.

How did CB start?

Clever Beast is an extension of our interest and knowledge of regional plants (both edible and not) from our work in flavor and recipe development. Paired with a continued sense of curiosity about the species diversity in the world of plants that are often ignored, we felt there is much to be shared by working with these plants. By highlighting some of these regional botanicals, we strive to create an awareness of them and acknowledgment of their value, therefore an interest in protecting the ecosystems they exist within.

What lab techniques are you using?

We utilize a combination of lab-based equipment to capture the most delicate flavors and aromas (the most hard to capture volatile compounds) in botanicals. Since different parts of the wide variety of plants available have distinct compositions, our methodology for extractions depends on the use case.

Do you offer consulting services?

Yes. We offer a range of services in the botanical, flavor, and aroma spheres. From helping wineries/breweries/distilleries and restaurants develop their own SKUs, to collaborations, and even providing custom products, we enjoy working with clients to problem solve. We have taken a SKU from initial outreach email to bottled and sold in less than 5 months. Connect with us via the contact page to learn more.


Wine products are not eligible for returns. Merchandise is eligible for replacement if damaged. Please connect with images and we will reach out to our embroidery team for a replacement. Solid perfume products are only eligible for return or exchange if damaged. Returns are not available on solid perfumes if used due to sanitary/safety policies. Please submit photos via email to us at CleverBeastCo@gmail.com.